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Has this website inspired you to write your own poem?
Would you like other people to read it too?
If the answer to both these questions is YES, then you can post your poem in the comments on this page.
I’d love to read it!
There is a character called Fwog
Who doesn’t live in a bog.
Instead it lives in a pond,
And sleeps on a soft palm frond.
Fwog can do anything,
Fwog especially likes to sing!
Thank you for your lovely poem!
Colour Poem
Jack Curry and Josie Gaskell
Red is the colour of sweet juicy apples in a orchard tree
Blue is the colour of the beautiful sea
Purple is the colour of a flower in the cottage garden
Yellow is the colour of sour lemons falling from the citrus tree
Green is the colour of the grass in a big open field
Orange is the colour of my fruit for morning tea.
Hi Jack and Josie,
Thank you so much for putting your poem on my website. Reading it has brightened my day. It’s also made me want to go and eat some fruit! Shall I choose red, yellow or orange fruit to eat?
I hope you’re enjoying the summer holidays.
I have a cousin call Ana
She would love to be Moana
She will control the sea
And who is that on her side? It’s me!
Hi Ulli,
Thanks for sharing your poem. I love it!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Ingrid
My pet caterpillar is as sleepy as a sloth.
We found him in the basil.
He built a web in his cage like a spider.
He was in his web for a couple of weeks
Until he became a beautiful butterfly.
Hi Ingrid,
Thank you for sharing your poem with me! I like it very much. I especially like the simile ‘he built a web in his cage like a spider’.
My pet is a Tabby Cat,
He is friendly like a dog.
His fur is soft as snow,
and he’s as cheeky as a monkey!
His white feet look like he is wearing socks.
His name is Frankie.
Hi Charlotte and Nicky,
Thank you for sharing your poem with me. I like it! Frankie sounds like a lovely cat, though quite cheeky!
My Pet Catfish
by Annabel
My pet catfish is as lazy as can be.
He is as scared as a pufferfish and has the power of
Hi Annabel,
Thanks for putting your poem on my website. It’s the very first one!
I like your poem and both the similes. Do you really have a pet catfish?
We did but he disappeared when we gave him a new pirate ship to play in. We think he got eaten by one of our other fish. When we cleaned out the tank he was not there it was a big surprise.
Oh dear. I’m sad to hear that.