My Mummy is amazing
but she’s more than just my Mum.
She’s also lots of other things,
now let me tell you some.
My mummy is an angel,
but she must have lost her wings.
She does wear pretty dresses
and sounds lovely when she sings.
My mummy is a deer,
though she hasn’t any fur,
she has two legs instead of four,
there’s not a tail on her.
My mummy is a honey,
but she’s not a sticky treat.
I think she does smell really nice
and Daddy says she’s sweet.
My mummy is a treasure,
though she’s not kept in a chest.
A pirate wouldn’t like her much
but I think she’s the best.
I don’t know how my Mummy
can be all of these, and more.
But I do know she’s my mummy,
and of that I can be sure!
© Kristin Martin 2012