This poem is based on the poem “Voices of Water” by Tony Mitton.
It was written in collaboration with Room 16 Year 3 students at Fulham North Primary School, 2018.
The feet in the classroom say
stomp stomp
The bags in the classroom say
flomp flomp
The pencils in the classroom say
scritch scratch
The sharpeners in the classroom say
zitch zatch
The clock in the classroom says
tick tick
The fingers in the classroom say
flick flick
The books in the classroom say
flip flap
The chairs in the classroom say
scratch scratch
The paper in the classroom says
swish swish
The heater in the classroom says
shish shish
The scissors in the classroom say
snip snip
The tap in the classroom says
drip drip
The whiteboard markers in the classroom say
squeak squeak
The door in the classroom says
creak creak
The drink bottles in the classroom say
slurp slurp
The students in the classroom say
Be quiet!
We’re trying to work!