A frog lives in our garden
in a pond beneath the tree.
I hear him croak at bedtime
as he says goodnight to me.
A frog lives near our driveway
on a post below the light.
I sneak outside to see her
’cause she’s only there at night.
A frog lives in our laundry
in the corner of the wall.
I check on him soon after
to make sure he doesn’t fall.
A frog lives in our kitchen
in the space behind the sink.
She freezes in the torchlight
when I get myself a drink.
A frog lives in our bathroom
and I don’t know what to do!
He isn’t where he should be!
Yuk! He’s swimming in the loo!
My mum comes in the bathroom,
plants a kiss upon my head.
‘The frogs are fine just where they are
but you should be in bed!’
© Kristin Martin 2014
This poem is also in my poetry book, To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme? (Glimmer Press, 2019).